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Another Mobile Learning Success Story

This article was published on:
June 1, 2011

At Mobile Citizen we’re striving to do more than just provide you with a way to connect to the Internet – we want to change the way you work and learn. We recently caught up with a Mobile Citizen school doing just that and wanted to share their success with you.

Teachers at Northside College Prep High School in Chicago are committed to digitally evolving their curriculum because they know it motivates students to learn. When they discovered that several of their students did not have reliable access to the Internet outside of school, they responded by bringing in Mobile Citizen to provide a low-cost mobile Internet solution.

Mobile Citizen’s low cost program enabled the school to purchase Mobile Citizen accounts for the students in question, and the students gained the access to the Internet that was crucial for completing homework assignments. And because the service is mobile and Northside draws students from all over Chicago, the students were even able to stay productive on lengthy bus and subway commutes to and from school.

“The new digital divide is between students who have Internet access in all of the places they study and those who do not,” said Giovanni Benincasa, Northside’s Curriculum Director and English Teacher. “Students spend weekends at basketball tournaments, try to get some reading done during a break at a part-time job, live with mom during the week and dad on the weekend – in an increasingly digital world, mobile access is a must for today’s on-the-go student.”