The Healthy Schools Campaign (HSC) knows that healthy children make better learners. That is why they advocate for policies and programs that allow students, faculty and staff to learn and work in a healthy environment. For HSC, having reliable Internet access is mission critical.
For basic Internet access, they had 1 DSL line for years and it was vulnerable to outages. Even the shortest amount of downtime disrupted their business and resulted in decreased productivity and lost opportunities. So they set out to find a reliable back up. Adding a 2nd line was cost prohibitive so affordable and reliable mobile broadband with CLEAR from Mobile Citizen, saved them more than $5,000 on service. In addition to cost savings, the service provided the redundancy HSC needed for its Internet access for employees accessing cloud computing databases such as Google email, and their CRM databases:, and . The service also doubled reliability for inbound communications allowing employees access to HSC’s internal server.
Having 4G service also meant increased capacity or bandwidth. For an organization dependent on communicating news and Best Practices to its constituents, being able to make daily website changes — including uploading and downloading of graphics and large files — was important. Having the fastest Internet service available allows HSC to take full advantage of today’s latest digital mediums like video.