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Low-income Philadelphians’ Internet Access Threatened

This article was published on:
October 21, 2015

Sprint is shutting down the WiMax Network on Nov. 6 (that’s in 16 days!) and will disconnect large numbers of our customers. Many of them are not in a position to obtain Internet service otherwise. Today, we feature Drexel University’s story.

Philadelphia has the highest level of poverty amongst the top 10 cities in the nation and more than 35 percent of its residents can’t afford Internet access. Drexel University, along with 50+ social service and community organizations, participates in Keyspot — a citywide program that lends mobile computer labs outfitted with Mobile Citizen hotspots to non-profit, civic, education and social service agencies.

The Sprint shutdown will deny Keyspot’s mostly low-income users, which numbered over 7,500 in 2014-2015, access to information that could improve their quality of lives and support positive futures, said Maria Walker, Drexel University’s Project Manager for University and Community Partnerships.

“In a city that continues to battle high unemployment and poverty, unrestricted access to broadband in Philadelphia is one of the means to overcoming economic inequality.”

If you agree that underserved communities in Philadelphia and across the nation deserve effective Internet access, please sign our petition.

Read Drexel University’s full story.